Saturday, April 20, 2013

So much blue...

I have a bunch of blue flowers blooming right now.  Here are most of them.  The first one is a bulb that I dug out of a vacant neighboring yard several years ago.  If you look closely, there is an aphid on one of the blooms.  (Already???)

"Forget-me-nots."  These have the tiniest flowers and  I think they are adorable.  You don't forget them for a couple of reasons:  they are so charming and they reseed themselves.

Veronica "Georgia Blue."

A whole clump of Veronica "Georgia Blue."

Rosemary "Tuscan Blue."  "Tuscan Blue" can get to be six feet tall!  This one is about two-and-a-half feet tall, so it has a ways to go.

Blue Phlox.  I'm sorry I can't remember its botanical name at the moment and I am too lazy to look it up.  Oh, and it's fragrant as well as beautiful.

Ajuga "Chocolate Chip."  Yum!!!

Have a beautiful day!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

White Muscari

Well, hello!

I know it's been awhile since I've blogged, but I'm still here.

I have, in addition to hundreds of blue Muscaris, white Muscaris blooming!

There is a clump of white Muscaris that I've had for a couple of years in a raised bed.  These photos, however, are of a large flower pot filled with Johnnies and and Muscaris.

I actually bought these Muscari bulbs in a cheap box at Food Lion!   I didn't expect them to grow at all, but at the time, I was craving the hope of Muscaris, so I got them and planted them. 

And what beautiful results!

Have a beautiful day!