Friday, November 25, 2011


Well, my little bitty teeny tiny baby girl turned 22 today. She has been and still is a great blessing to me. Kirstin, I love you so much!!!

Have a beautiful day!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving...

My new flower pot and saucer...
filled with Delft Blue Violas. Bliss.

Wishing you a day filled with gratitude and blessings.

Have a beautiful day!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bloom Day March 2011...

Oh, so many beautiful Spring blooms are showing up. It's wonderful to see such color again. I don't have pictures of everything blooming in my garden, but here are most of them. Kirstin photographed these for me since my new job is keeping me busy.

My Forsythia bush is bottled sunshine with its yellow flowers. Near it, a flowering plum is blooming, but that is one of the ones I didn't get a picture of.

I still have Violas, of course. They are lovely source of joy for me. This Winter was rough on them, but they are certainly bouncing back now that it has warmed up.

These Daffodils were on the property when we bought it and I've moved some of them around. They seem to be some of the first Daffodils to bloom. Their flowers always nod down.

The weedy Violets are coming up at the base of my steps again. I like them blooming here, but I try very hard not to encourage them to spread themselves around. Ha! Not much success with that.

My Daphnes are blooming, sending their heavenly fragrance wafting into the air. I have a white Daphne, too. I just love their scent. Near them is a pink Camelia. She has lots of blooms this year.

Another incredibly fragrant flower in my garden is this blue Hycinth.

I've got a cluster of them blooming and their fragrance is overwhelming! I think the cold was good for them because this is the best they've ever looked.

My first Muscari blooms are showing. As you know, I love these little flowers. There should be many more of their blooms coming soon. Oh, and I have a white Muscari blooming, too! I haven't had success with white Muscari in the past, but this little clump has now bloomed for its second year. I'll try to post a picture of it soon.

Thanks for visiting me on Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. I'd love to hear from you. Be sure to stop by May Dreams Gardens to find other gardens to visit. Thanks, Carol, for hosting!

Have a beautiful day!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My first day....

This is just a short post to let you know that I started my new job today. I'm pretty excited because...

...I now work at the Gazebo location of New Garden Nursery! I've been a fairly frequent customer at New Garden, but now I'll get paid to hang out there. Can you beat that? Actually, I'll have to work to get paid. That's o.k, though; I think it'll be pretty cool! And I get to wear these groovy T-shirts that say New Garden Nursery on them.

If you're ever in town, come by and say hi! It's a great nursery. I took these pictures of a display near the front entrance of the Nursery as I was leaving today. With my cell phone camera! Aren't they gorgeous Spring flowers?

Have a beautiful day!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A beautiful morning...

It was so lovely outside this morning. I let my chickens outside their pen to "free range" and then I poked around my garden to see what was happening. The chickens tend to follow us and when Kirstin came outside, Tiger and the chickens all congregated at her feet, eying one another.

My camellia has its first bloom of the year. Its leaves get sunburned over Winter so they turn a coppery brown color. I need to fertilize the bush; I think its flowers are getting a little small.

Yellow crocuses are blooming. They are still in the container I put them in years ago, not knowing where else to put them. Hmmm. Will this be the year I put them in a bed? I just figured out where they need to go: in the bed that I see when I look straight out the front door. That bed seriously needs Spring bulbs.

I'm looking forward to these blue Hyacinths opening up. Won't they be gorgeous?

The first daffodil. More will follow soon. They're very sunny.

One of my favorite sights: a cane break. 'Double Delight' is producing a new cane; may it bring me lots and lots of roses.

I love the new leaves of my 'Hyperion' daylily. Somehow they seem happy and energetic. I've got other daylilies coming up, too.

The chickens really liked scratching around my 'New Dawn' rose underneath the arbor. There is good soil there.

Thankfully they didn't damage these bulb tips coming up. What do you call it when you dig up bulbs, leaving some, of course, from a yard where no one lives? Well, that's what I did to get these. I'm not sure what they are, but the flowers are blue. Hmmm. I wonder why I was attracted to them?

I was so happy to see these little bitty green things in the ground. They are the new new growth of my yellow Salvia. My other yellow Salvia, the one with variegated leaves, is also coming up. And so are my ground Orchids. Oh, happy, happy, happy.

How do you like the little pink edge on the new leaves of my variegated Hydranga? I love this bush. I've put coffe grounds at its base hoping for blue flowers this year. But, really, I grow this particular Hydrangea for its wonderful leaves.

A male Cardinal was sitting high up in the branches of the Laurel Oak. And singing. Look at that (Carolina) blue sky. It was just that kind of day.

Tiger was helping himself to a drink of water. He looked up when I came over to take his picture. (Please tell me that you have an unruly stack of pots and containers in your garden, too.)

Guess what else I discovered. Before too long we will have something yummy from the garden to eat. Even though Julie was sure I had killed it, my Rhubarb is coming up. I'm thrilled.

There is something very, very beautiful in my greenhouse right now. You'll know what it is, so I'll just show it to you.

Have a beautiful day!
P.S. There are froggies outside peeping and cro-aking!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bloom Day Febraury 2011...

Today as I was traversing a country road near where I live I saw a couple of Forsythia bushes covered with their cheerful yellow flowers. My bush isn't blooming yet, but it was exciting to see that Spring is edging closer. In my own garden, the Violas that I planted last fall are starting to look a lot more cheerful.

Several weeks ago, I discovered this volunteer Johnny seedling blooming. I think it is so pretty. Maybe even prettier than the ones that I bought to plant.

So, what do you think?

Inside the house, my Silver Squill has been blooming. The stalks are elongated as it reaches for light, but I think the tiny flowers are very interesting. (You can click on the picture for a larger view.)

Back outside, the first new flower in a long time is.... wouldn't you know it.... a weed. Actually, I am fine with that for now. I'm just happy that things are happening in my garden again. This Cardamine hirta is growing in a nursery container.

The flower I am most excited about is my False Crocus (Nothoscordum sellowianum). Its first bud appeared a couple of days ago and soon opened. Well, in the day anyway. It closes up for night. And now a second bud has appeared. This fragrant plant should bloom for several weeks. I'm glad.

Thanks for stopping by on Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. Be sure to visit May Dreams Gardens to see what is blooming in other gardens.

Have a beautiful day!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Orchids, orchids, orchids...

A couple of weeks ago I got to do something that I wanted to do last year, but wasn't able to. I attended The Triad Orchid Society Show. It was utterly amazing!!!

The first thing I noticed when I entered the door of the Greensboro Council of Garden Clubs building was the incredible scent filling the air. I don't think I've ever encountered anything like it.

In the foyer of the building, 3 different vendors had orchids for sale. Those, of course, were beautiful, but the treat within the main room was absolutely astounding.

{These are Darwin Orchids and this plant is about 20 years old.}

Ten different displays were set up, by individuals or clubs, to the theme of "A Walk in the Park" and there were literally thousands of blooms. They ranged in size from smaller than dimes to ones that were probably 4 and 5 inches across. And in every color imaginable.

The blooms were so varied in shape. It was astonishing. There was so much to take in. I could have spent hours and hours there, just looking and looking and looking.

As it was, I took many, many photographs. The ones you see on this post are only a tiny part of them. Please, please, please visit this gallery that I have set up for you to see more of these gorgeous flowers. (You can click on each image for a larger view.) The page will take a few seconds to load, but the beauty of these wonderful orchids is worth the wait! Enjoy!

Have a beautiful day!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Today in the Garden...

One afternoon last week, Kirstin took this picture of the house as she came home from college. I like how much blue there is. Doesn't Princess make a nice addition to the steps? Today was a wonderful day for working outside so I cleaned up the bed to the right of the the steps, as you are facing the porch.

There are all kinds of pretty green things poking their heads up out of the soil. I am sooo happy to see them! I've got a number of blue Hyacinths in this bed. The Hyacinths in the bed on the other side of the steps are pink.

The rose bush, Pink Gruss An Achen, has teeny tiny little bitty red leaf buds on it. I pruned it and cleaned up around it. I won't prune most of my roses just yet, but this is the warmest spot in my garden. The Iris is coming up and so are some Daffodils.

I haven't opened up my greenhouse for several months now. It has been way too cold. When I opened it up this afternoon, it was pretty hot in the greenhouse. I'll have to be careful that I don't cook the plants now that it is warming up. I think most of the plants survived.

Some of the plants that look brown and dead may not be. It's too early yet to start pruning them to check, but this plant obviously has plenty of green at its base. I'm so glad.

Here's something I didn't expect to see in the greenhouse. A tiny praying mantis. Actually, I saw a couple of them. There must have been an egg sac on one of the plants and, because it is warmer in the greenhouse, they were tricked into hatching early. I don't know how much they will find to eat in there.

I've saved the best for last. Look what I found today. It's a bud of my False Crocus. Julie and I were jubilant. Julie said, "Does that mean that it is Spring now?" I don't know, since it is a False Crocus. Even in its bud stage, we could detect a faint scent. Oh, I am so thrilled for my flowers to be returning.

Have a beautiful day!