Oh, so many beautiful Spring blooms are showing up. It's wonderful to see such color again. I don't have pictures of everything blooming in my garden, but here are most of them. Kirstin photographed these for me since my new job is keeping me busy.
My Forsythia bush is bottled sunshine with its yellow flowers. Near it, a flowering plum is blooming, but that is one of the ones I didn't get a picture of.
I still have Violas, of course. They are lovely source of joy for me. This Winter was rough on them, but they are certainly bouncing back now that it has warmed up.
These Daffodils were on the property when we bought it and I've moved some of them around. They seem to be some of the first Daffodils to bloom. Their flowers always nod down.
The weedy Violets are coming up at the base of my steps again. I like them blooming here, but I try very hard not to encourage them to spread themselves around. Ha! Not much success with that.
My Daphnes are blooming, sending their heavenly fragrance wafting into the air. I have a white Daphne, too. I just love their scent. Near them is a pink Camelia. She has lots of blooms this year.
Another incredibly fragrant flower in my garden is this blue Hycinth.
I've got a cluster of them blooming and their fragrance is overwhelming! I think the cold was good for them because this is the best they've ever looked.
My first Muscari blooms are showing. As you know, I love these little flowers. There should be many more of their blooms coming soon. Oh, and I have a white Muscari blooming, too! I haven't had success with white Muscari in the past, but this little clump has now bloomed for its second year. I'll try to post a picture of it soon.
Thanks for visiting me on Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. I'd love to hear from you. Be sure to stop by May Dreams Gardens to find other gardens to visit. Thanks, Carol, for hosting!
Have a beautiful day!
8 months ago