It rained for awhile this morning (chickens look so funny when they are wet) so as I was driving home this evening about dusk, mists were sitting on the ground. There is something mystical about these mists and I like them very much.
I've been noticing blues and whites together in my garden. I collect blue and white transferware, and this combination is so beautiful to me.
I didn't plan the "blue and whites." They created themselves.
In the containers, I had also planted red Calibrachoas, but they bloomed out, leaving only the blue Salvia farinacea and the white Bacopa.
The white Salvia coccinea reseeded itself next to the Salva gauranitica 'Black and Blue', and look how wonderful they are together.
And the wild Asters - "white heathaster" - planted themselves behind the Salvia gauranitica 'Black and Blue'. Maybe I should stop trying to design my garden altogether and just let it do it itself since it does such a wonderful job!
Have a beautiful day!
8 months ago
Blue and White patterns always make me think of you, Ruth. It is a beautiful combination.
Dear Ruth, How refreshing to see your blue and white combination at this orange and yellow time of year. Pam x
You have lovely gardens! I love the blue and white, too. Very eye-catching.
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