Thank you for stopping by on Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, hosted by May Dreams Gardens.
This post is for the birds ~ hummingbirds, that is! I love growing flowers for the hummingbirds. I have one main hummingbird garden below my deck, but I've also planted hummingbird plants throughout my garden.
One of my favorite hummingbird plants is Bog Sage. It is the tallest, pale blue in the picture above.
And then there's good 'ole "Black and Blue"~ Salvia guaranitica.
"Grandpa Ott" morning glory reseeds itself and vines through the hummingbird plants.
Cleome also reseeds itself, as does Salvia coccinea (the red flowers).
This is a Penstemon. I don't remember its name. Since it likes well-drained soil, I planted it with lots of Perma-til so hopefully it will survive the South.
Another Salvia ~ this one is a greggii and part of the Heatwave series, but I don't remember which one.
Salvia coccinea ~ it reseeds in red, white, pink, and variations of these three in my gardens.
In the hummingbird garden below my deck, I have a wire/metal globe on top of stone pedestal. I put it there so hopefully one of the tiny birds would find it a pleasant place to rest. And guess what! One day, I saw a hummingbird sitting on it!
I have Salvia guaranitica "Argentina Skies" in my hummingbird garden, but this particular plant is in the front of my house.
I have three different native honeysuckle vines growing up my deck. This one is in the hummingbird garden.
We can see this one from the kitchen window.
And this vine is visible from the dining room sliding glass doors.
This Salvia greggii was sold as an annual, but it lived over the winter. The stripped petunia is a "HeatWave" petunia.
An Agastache. This one is in a pot on the deck so I can see it from the sliding glass doors.
Also know as the wishbone flower.
I'm not really a "red" person, but I love this plant!
It's Bat-faced Cuphea.
These plants are across the path from the official hummingbird garden, but they include Salvia "Black and Blue" and a couple of Buddlieas that the hummers visit.
Buddliea "Miss Ruby" and Feverfew.
Have a beautiful day!
8 months ago
Ruth, your hummingbird garden is absolutely gorgeous!! I love the bat-face cuphea and the lavender/purple salvia with no mame! They are so beautiful!! The blue of the bog sage is so striking ~ such a wonderful shade of blue. I have thoroughly enjoyed this tour of your garden!
Anne :D
Thank-you! :) Even if you can't see it in person, at least I can share it with you a little bit! :)
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