Today as I was traversing a country road near where I live I saw a couple of Forsythia bushes covered with their cheerful yellow flowers. My bush isn't blooming yet, but it was exciting to see that Spring is edging closer. In my own garden, the Violas that I planted last fall are starting to look a lot more cheerful.
Several weeks ago, I discovered this volunteer Johnny seedling blooming. I think it is so pretty. Maybe even prettier than the ones that I bought to plant.
So, what do you think?
Inside the house, my Silver Squill has been blooming. The stalks are elongated as it reaches for light, but I think the tiny flowers are very interesting. (You can click on the picture for a larger view.)
Back outside, the first new flower in a long time is.... wouldn't you know it.... a weed. Actually, I am fine with that for now. I'm just happy that things are happening in my garden again. This Cardamine hirta is growing in a nursery container.
The flower I am most excited about is my False Crocus (Nothoscordum sellowianum). Its first bud appeared a couple of days ago and soon opened. Well, in the day anyway. It closes up for night. And now a second bud has appeared. This fragrant plant should bloom for several weeks. I'm glad.
Thanks for stopping by on Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. Be sure to visit May Dreams Gardens to see what is blooming in other gardens.
Have a beautiful day!
8 months ago
Great photos and sure indicates spring is upon us.
Goldenray Yorkies
I've never heard of false crocus, or perhaps someone else's Bloom Day post had it? I'm not sure. It's not one I'd known of previously anyway. It's a beauty!
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