Saturday, May 20, 2023


When I moved to the apartment, I saw that a neighbor had up a bluebird nesting box.   I also occasionally saw that bluebirds would come drink out of my birdbath.  So, I did a little research and put up my own bluebird nesting box! 

I've had the bluebird nesting box for several years now, and even though it hasn't been used every nesting season, it has been used numerous times.  This makes me so happy!   And one time, I found a chickadee in there, sitting her tiny eggs!

I was careful to position the nesting box where is would be attractive to bluebirds, facing in the right direction and so they would be able to have a clear view of their surroundings.  It turns out, they also really like to make use of the handicap parking sign that is near the box!  When they are nesting, I will often see one of the couple, usually the male, sitting on the parking sign. 

I have a critter guard on the pole so things, including snakes, can't get to the nesting box.

While these photos aren't the best, I'm glad to have them as the bluebirds usually fly away when they see me!  

The bluebirds make me happy!

Have a beautiful day!

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