Well, there's a mouth-full for you! I used to see this Fuchsia fairly often when I lived in California, but I never did get around to growing it myself. I have always thought that it was a very cool plant, though, and it has been on my "To Grow" list for awhile. It is also popular with the hummingbirds.
A few weeks ago, I saw it for sale in a 4" pot and I knew that now was the time for me to get this remarkable plant. I am thrilled to finally have my very own Fuchsia triphylla 'Gartenmeister Bonstedt.' Of course, such a stunning plant deserves a special pot. I think the glazed black one I found goes so very well with my lovely plant. And I love the colors of the Fuchsia with the backdrop of the Creeping Jenny.
You know, I looked it up in the Southern Living Garden Book and it wasn't even in there. I had to go back to my Sunset Western Garden Book. Maybe this is a plant that isn't really grown in the South. I guess I'll just have to see how it does. I know it is frost tender, so I'll bring it in for the winter. Now the question is how it will take the heat and the humidity. But, then again, how I take the heat and the humidity is also questionable.
Elsewhere in the garden, the first Japanese Beetle has arrived. Julie said she saw one yesterday, but I say that doesn't count because she didn't tell anyone.
This morning I saw this beautiful orange butterfly sunning itself on my Lobelia, which is growing in the pot with my Wintergreen. I wonder if it was drying itself out from the rain we got last night. I'm a little ashamed to admit that I don't know the name of this butterfly, but I am sure someone will let me know what it is.
Have a beautiful day!
8 months ago
Don't you just hate J. beetles? I know God had a reason for creating them...one day I will ask Him why! LOL
That is a great shot of the butterfly! The contrast with the blue flowers is stunning!
~ K ~
Jennifer - I have often had that very same thought! :) And why mosquitoes!?!?
K - I couldn't believe the butterfly stuck around for me to take a picture! The blue and the orange together IS amazing! :)
I'm a huge fan of 'Gartenmeister' fuschia, and frequently plant it in with my containers. Unlike other fuschias, it is "self-cleaning" -- you don't have to keep cutting off the seed pods to keep it in bloom -- and will take a bit of shade.
I think your butterfly might be some kind of fritillary.
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