I saw a yellow swallowtail butterfly visit this clump of Muscari. It was only for a moment, but it was enchanting. Like a reminder that often things are fleeting.

And as I was driving today, I realized I was completely wrong about my neighbor's trees; they are definitely not Redbuds. I saw Redbuds blooming today and remembered how much I love their color, which, by the way, is not red. Yes, I came home with another plant: a Creeping Phlox. Oh, and here is a pretty corner of my garden that I will tell you about some other time. It just looked so nice today.

Once again, all of your pictures and your flowers are so very lovely.
Love your iron birdbath thingy. A pretty corner indeed!
Thank you, Julie! :)
Thank you, Jennifer! :) I think the little iron birdbath is SO charming! :) Thanks for stopping by! :)
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