The bush was already here when we bought the place. It was one of the very few things actually, purposefully planted on the property. I guess it is not surprising that a Forsythia was chosen, since the others include Myrtle trees, Lirope, Hosta, and Nandina. I don't think you can get much more Typical-Landscape-Plants for this area!

I am thinking of transplanting the somewhat invasive Vinca to grow underneath it. If the Vinca gets out of bounds, it will just get mowed as it is in a location that I am not currently working on. And I do think the blue Vinca flowers will look so pretty with the yellow of the Forsythia. Maybe I could put some Daffodils and Muscari under there, too.

i think your forsythia looks lovely all loose and natural. they are really satisfactory plants for the south, aren't they? the deer leave them alone, too.
Hi, Daricia, Thanks for stopping by! It is a very pretty forsythia, so cheerful! And I would NEVER cut it into a box like I see sometimes. I just know that cutting back some canes will encourage even more blooms.
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