I love seeing all the trees in flower as I go driving around. This is one of my neighbors and I think the pink trees go well with the cute little yellow house. I haven't quite figured out the names of all the trees yet, so I am not sure what these are. They might be Redbuds, but I don't know.

Another one of my neighbors has this stunning Bradford Pear. The Bradford Pears are so beautiful. They are spectacular when they are planted in rows. Lining a front walk, for example.

This tree is on our property and I think it is a flowering plum. As I was taking the pictures, there was a faint fragrance, but I am not sure if it was the tree or the scent of my Hyacinths wafting over to me.

I know, it seems our trees are blooming all at once! So far I've seen a dazzling display of the tulip trees, bradford pear, and now the plums are starting. I haven't seen any redbuds yet. Oh and the red maples are blooming. Can't wait till my yoshino cherries and kwanzaan cherries start.
There is a time in the spring and in the fall when you look at a picture and are not quite sure which one it is. The first picture could be in the fall.
But no mistake in the last picture.
Jennifer, I think the spring trees are SO amazingly beautiful and my camera REALLY doesn't do them justice!
Rihane, Yes, it is kind of difficult to tell in the first picture. The pink color of the trees does not show up well in the photo and since there aren't leaves on the trees in the background yet, it is confusing! But the flowering trees are SO pretty! :)
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