I love flowers. Did I ever tell you that? These poor, strong, brave Johnnies have been sitting in their six-packs since Fall. After getting some of them in the ground today, I wish I had planted them months earlier so I could have been enjoying them along the path all this time. That would have made a whole lot more sense. Johnnies are much more cheerful than bare dirt. (Duh!)

Working outside today made me wonder why I do anything else except garden. I mean, after all, what could be more important than building a garden? What else ranks up there with the sheer bliss of having your hands in the dirt, messing around with plants? Of helping things grow and listening to frogs sing? Of knowing that the rain is coming to water in the plants and that more flowers are on the way.

Only a fellow gardener could understand all the feelings you describe in your post. If man/woman were not meant to garden then Adam and Eve wouldn't have started out there! LOL
Those are gorgeous crocus! Are they growing up through wild strawberries?
Jennifer, I think we do belong in the garden! And I am glad you understand my post! :)
M- Yes, those are wild strawberries. They are more of K's crocus. An they are so beautiful.
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