In addition to these flowers pictured on recent posts: Camilla, Purple Crocus, Variegated Crocus, Yellow Crocus and False Crocus, Daffodils (and other Daffodils that aren't photographed), and, of course, my Johnnies, which I've had all winter, I also have more beautiful flowers!
First, in my greenhouse... A yellow Calibrachoa is blooming, which astonished me. I expected it to live, but not to bloom so soon, even in the greenhouse.

Also, I have Nemesia that is covered with flowers. Doesn't it look great with the Agapanthus behind it?

The Alpine Geranium (Erodium reichardii 'Charm') blooms are actually more pink than the camera will pick up.

And there is a Loropetalum blooming, too.

Outside, a somewhat invasive Vinca minor has one blue flower.

My Daphnes are blooming. This plant is in sad shape; it desperately needs to be fertilized, but the flowers smell absolutely amazing. Both the pink and the white bushes are blooming. (Coming soon: a post about my Daphnes.)

Let' see. What else? Oh, here is a Scilla siberica that is planted in completely the wrong place, but it still comes up and blooms, although on a much shrunken scale. It's so cute!

My blue Hyacinths are getting ready to bloom.

And, of course, I have Muscari.

You aren't surprised, right?

Spring is so close you can touch it!
Happy Bloom Day.
Your flowers are all so lovely!
I love the Vinca minor blooms. I can't bring myself to pull them up!
It is neat to see so many things blooming in your garden. :)
Muscari, March--they seem to really go together! The greenhouse gives you a nice jump on the season. Mine is too shaded and I just use mine for propagation--plants hate it if they have to live there for long. But you plants have a good thing growing when it's freezing outside.
that calibrachoa looks so cheery and spunky! - makes me smile.
With a name like your blog has I certainly would expect to see a Muscari. What a shame we can't smell them. Thank you for stopping by my blog on Bloom Day, I really appreciate it.
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