It's time once again for Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day! Thanks to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for hosting this monthly activity. The Paperwhites and Hyacinth that I recently blogged about have just about finished their blooms, but I sure did enjoy them while they lasted. My Parlor Palm is blooming again.
It didn't bloom all the years I lived in California, but every Winter since I moved it to North Carolina, it has bloomed. The stalk on the right is still little buds and the stalk on the left is more mature.
I think the tiny "buttons" it produces are so amazing in their simplicity.
Outside my garden is pretty much still covered in snow and ice.
Tiger didn't seem to mind rolling around in the aforementioned snow and ice, though! (If you want to see pictures of my chickens checking out the snow, you can go to my Chickie Update and scroll down the page.)
About the only color outside is the glass beads I added to this little wind chime several years ago. In the Spring and Summer, it doesn't really show up, but in the snow, it sparkles.
All the Violas outside are struggling - frozen and/or buried under the snow - except for the ones on the front porch. These are cozy and (relatively) warm in their sheltered area. Thanks for stopping by my garden. And be sure to go to May Dreams Gardens to find other gardens to visit.
Have a beautiful day! And stay warm!
8 months ago
Your cat making snow angels is awesome! I too enjoy the simplicity of the "buttons" on your palm blooms...very delicate and pretty. Happy GBBD!
No bloom here inside or outside (too much snow), but I enjoyed yours. Very cute cat photo.
I really enjoyed your post, plus I love the muscari blues. Your kitty is very daring. Mine will not set on paw on the snow. It may be because they were both strays with many years on the streets. You cat seems to be enjoying the moment.
I've never seen a parlor palm blooms. You have some lovely and interesting blossoms.
Dear Ruth, I so enjoyed this posting.
That parlor palm is impressive! I am now popping over to see your cute chickens! P x
I kick myself now for not planting more pansies. I just wasn't in the mood last fall. I sure enjoyed yours though!
Congrats on getting the palm to bloom. I tried to convince mine that it was warm enough outside, but it never thrived, let alone bloomed. I have no idea how well my little shorthaired cat would take to the snow, but I suspect she'd be a real wimp since she comes indoors whenever it drops much below 55... Happy bloom day.
ha ha, your cat is hilarious! None of our cats has ever done that. They're wimps.
I haven't seen a palm bloom before. Not what I expected and beautiful.
Tiger is adorable! I love the contrast between your glass beads and the snow in the background, and your front porch violas are heartwarming with their sunny color. So much beauty! :)
I never knew parlour palms bloom! I especially like the first photo, and the photo of your cat :-)
Thank you ALL for stopping by and leaving comments! I really enjoy hearing from you! :) And to think I almost didn't put Tiger in this post. But it seems he is the big hit! :)
ruth, i am really impressed with the blooming palm! so far, i've killed every palm i've ever had. i just got a new one a couple of weeks ago - hoping and gardening go together, don't they? ;)
Yes, Daricia! Hope and gardening go together!!! :)
I am not sure why, but it always surprises me to see palms blooming. I guess we are so used to considering them just for foliage and don't consider that they flower. But how would we get dates or coconuts?
Ruth Tiger looks so cute making snow angels his style of course!
Still enjoying the cacti here in the southwest!
waving to you ..naturegirl
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