Monday, November 15, 2010

Bloom Day November 2010...

"It was a dark and dreary afternoon...", and as I worked in the rain, I kept thinking, how nice that I could come home and post pictures of flowers! I took these this morning before it got so dark and dreary.

The above picture captures basically what is happening in my garden right now. I have a few roses blooming and several different types of Salvias blooming, but the Salvias are starting to fade. Most of my garden is going to sleep. I have planted some Violas to begin to get ready for Winter, but I'll save them for December's Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day.

I've moved tender plants into my greenhouse because we've had a few nights already that have dipped below freezing. The greenhouse looks so tropical and I love the concentration of flowers within it. Thanks for stopping by and please be sure to visit May Dreams Gardens to find more gardeners posting about what is blooming in their gardens today.

Have a beautiful day!


Liza said...

Thanks, you have a beautiful day, too!

Wally said...

Beautiful rose. That looks like a great little greenhouse.

Anne said...

I love seeing the plants in your greenhouse! :)