Friday, July 9, 2010

Kirstin's Gladiolus...

Kirstin likes to grow Gladiolus.

So, several years ago, when I saw the bulbs for this Glad, I bought them for her.

Isn't the color amazing?

Last night we finally received some wonderful, wonderful rain. (Do you see the tiny ant on the flower below?)

But the rain drops made the flower stalk too heavy so Kirstin cut it to bring in the house. And she took these pictures for me.

I think Tiger got bored.

Have a beautiful day!


Anonymous said...

So beautiful!! I planted Glads for the first time this year and am REALLY looking forward to their blooming. Naomi was in raptures over Kirsten's Glad and very excited to learn that I have them too in my garden. She wanted me to show her all the Glad plants and will now be watching for them as well. :)

Anonymous said...

Very lovely flowers!!

~ K ~