Sunday, January 24, 2010

California Garden...

On Friday, I looked at a blog by someone who gardens in urban Los Angeles. Seeing a few of her pictures made me miss my California garden so much. For one thing, she has an orange tree. I had THE most wonderful lemon tree. It produced tons of huge lemons which made awesome lemonade. And another of her pictures was of her string of pearls plant with blooms on it. I, too, had a string of pearls that bloomed for me. I think I must have given it to a friend when I left. Maybe I will have to find another one to grow here.

Missing my garden as I was, I had to dig through boxes and boxes of photographs (got to get those put into albums) to find some pictures of my California garden. I found a few. Not the one in particular I was looking for, of course. But these were enough for today. The little date stamped on the back (way before I had a digital camera) is Aug. 1998, so I had done quite a bit more in my garden by the time we moved.

It was a little city lot, only we were in more like a town, if you can call any place in Southern California a town. My simple rail fence really made a difference. It defined the space and provided a very charming back-drop for my border. (My garden here in North Carolina seriously needs the addition of a fence.)

My little doll with her little doll adorned the front porch for this picture. This morning she pointed out that the flowers in her doll’s dress matched the ones she was standing next to on the porch. What more could you ask for? (See? Even that porch is larger than the one I have here in the South, where porches are supposedly de rigueur.)

Have a beautiful day!


Anonymous said...

Your lovely rail fence looked much better than those jade plants that I helped demolish eons ago. :) I'm sure your garden here will be just as beautiful in time. I love reading about your plant happenings!

~ K ~

Ruth said...


Thank you for your help years ago :) and thank you for leaving a sweet comment for me! I needed that!