Yesterday, a local craftsman built my new greenhouse to my design specs. I am SO thrilled with it, even though it's not quite finished; we're still working on the doors.
For the past 2 winters I have used a PVC pipe hoop greenhouse that I had to literally crawl into to take care of the plants. I planned this one so I could actually stand up in it! In his book, "Four-Season Harvest," Eliot Coleman has a seating area in his huge greenhouse so I hope to be able to steal his idea and see if I can at least put a chair in mine so when I am cold and starved for living plants, I can go sit in my greenhouse.
Thank you, Harvey!
Have a beautiful day!
8 months ago
That is so cool. Can you forward your design to my local craftsman? *grin* It looks as if the one you had made would fit around my whole garden!
I love the advertisements that came with this one! (Not just the one for your personal local craftsman either. If only we were all local!) I also wish I had checked this earlier so that I could actually spend time looking at them. Maybe I can catch it before you make your next entry...
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